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All non-members or those who want a quick overview can find a list below with current information and our project progress.

3rd April 2024:
“Women and Men Professors as Role Models and Their Effect on Academics’ Career Decisions” was published online in the Sport Management Educational Journal.
20th November 2023:
“The perceived role fit of women and men academics: Evidence from the social sports sciences” was published online in Frontiers of Psychology.
17th November 2023:
Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp presented on “Citations of sport economics publications” at the 146th Reading Online Sport Economics Seminar.
13th November 2023:
Prof. Wicker presented findings of the project at the meeting of the central gender equality committee of Bielefeld University.
7th November 2023:
As part of the IFiF-Impulse lecture series, Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp presented findings of the project. A german version of the presentation is uploaded on YouTube.
28th– 29th September 2023:
At the network meeting of the IFiF projects, Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp (Bielefeld, WISEMS project) and Maike Braun (University of Hohenheim, Diversity X-project) 
moderated a workshop on the “Visibility and perception of women academics at international conferences”.
23rd– 25th August 2023:
Lara Lesch presented on
„The Perceived Role Fit of Women and Men Academics: Gender Stereotypes in Sport Economics?“ and Prof.
Dr. Pamela Wicker held a workshop on “Citations of Sports Economics Publications” at the ESEA Conference in Cork (Ireland).

23rd– 24th June 2023:
Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp held a workshop
on the “Perception of (women) sports leaders in the media” at the Annual Meeting of the German Association of Sports Economics in Innsbruck (Austria).

21st May – 3rd June 2023:
Lara Lesch presented on „Women and Men Professors as Role Models in Sport Management“ and Prof. Dr. Pamela Wicker held a workshop on “Citations of Papers in the Leading Sport Management Journals” at the NASSM Conference in Montreal (Canada).