Workshop at the conference of the European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) in Cork, Ireland:
‘Citations of Sport Economics Publications’

At the conference of the European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) in Cork (Ireland), Prof. Wicker, Lara Lesch and Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp presented further results of the WISE MS project. Under the title “Citations of Sports Economics Publications”, Prof. Wicker held a workshop starting with an input presentation of the data analysis conducted as part of the project. Findings of the citation analysis revealed that over 80% of the publications in sports economics were written without a women coauthor. However, when considering the correlates of total citations, the share of women coauthors had a positive association: The higher the share of women coauthors, the more citations. The input presentation was followed by a panel discussion with four renowned sports economists and (co)editors of sports economics journals or general economics journal publishing sports economics papers: Dennis Coates (University of Maryland, USA; Journal of Sports Economics), Brad Humphreys (West Virginia University, USA; Contemporary Economic Policy), Jane Ruseski (West Virginia University, USA; International Journal of Sport Finance) and Rob Simmons (Lancaster University, UK; Economic Inquiry). Beside the focus on the selection and order of coauthors, gender composition, and the role of these factors in drawing citations, discussants shared their experiences on the importance of citation metrics and publication strategies.
Afterwards Lara Lesch presented results from the project’s online survey in her presentation on “The Perceived Role Fit of Women and Men Academics: Gender Stereotypes in Sport Economics?”
Workshop on the ‘Perception of (women) sports leaders in the media’ at the Annual Meeting of the German Association of Sports Economics in Innsbruck

At the 26th annual meeting of the German Association of Sports Economics in Innsbruck (Austria), Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp, Prof. Wicker and Lara Lesch presented further results of this project. Under the title ‘Perception of (women) sports leaders in the media’, Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp held a workshop in which a panel discussion took place after an input presentation on scientific expectations and expectations of the presence of social sports scientists in the media. First findings of linear regressions indicate that fitting with scientific attributes regarding research topics positively affects the expectations of researcher’s visibility in all analyzed types of media. Scientific methodological attributes are only positively correlated with visibility in journal publications. Interestingly, women respondents have significantly lower expectations regarding the visibility in journal publications than men. Respondents from English-speaking countries expect a higher media presence than German academics. Looking at gender differences, women respondents perceive women academics as less visible in the media, in journal publications, or on TV than men. No gender differences were evident in the perceived visibility of men researchers in any media.
After the input presentation, Ass. Prof. Anika Frühauf (Innsbruck University), Dr. Monica Frenger (Saarland University), Prof. Dr. Claudia Stura (University of Applied Sciences Kufstein), and Prof. Dr. Pamela Wicker (Bielefeld University) represented the panel discussants. The plenum and the panel engaged in lively discussions about the suitability of various types of media, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, for the publication of researchers themselves and other scientific content.The panelists also talked about their own research and experiences which pitfalls and reccomendations they can give for media cooperations.
Workshop at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) in Montreal, Canada:
‘Citations of Papers in the Leading Sport Management Journals’