First results in module 3

Presentation at the 146. Reading Online Sport Economics Seminar

'Citations of sport economics publications'

At the 146th Reading Online Sport Economics Seminar (ROSES) Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp presented results from Modul 3. The topic of the presentation was ‘Citations of sport economics publications’.

The analyzed publications showed that up to a critical H-index of 120, a higher mean H-index of the co-authors predicted higher numbers of citations per
article. Up to a critical mean of 12,000 citations per author, a higher mean of the co-authors’ citations resulted in more citations per article. In addition,
a higher H-index for first authors as well as for second authors could predict higher numbers of citations of the article. Looking at the number of co-authors, there was no significant robust influence on the citations of the article. However, a higher share of women among the co-authors, was found to result in more citations of the article. The number of different countries also had a positive influence on the citation of the article.

The presentation can be accesed here.

First results are available for the European Journal for Sport and Society (EJSS) that were presented at the 2022 ISSA/EASS Conference in Tübingen, Germany. You can access the publication and the accompanying presentation. The results show that citations are hardly driven by the topics of the articles, but by the share of women coauthors, the number of different affiliations, and editorial decisions (assigned number in issue).